Friday, July 6, 2007

Teachers as researchers

It is a new day in education. The new millennium is bringing out more teacher researchers. The idea of this concept is growing as more people like myself are making efforts to do this type of research as a part of a higher education program.

Some may ask, just what is teacher research? According to Johnson (1993), teacher research begins with action research. This includes “trying out ideas in practice as a means of increasing knowledge about and/or improving curriculum, teaching, and learning” (Johnson, 1993). Teachers may try new ideas that can be evaluated in the school setting that the educator teaches in, across schools within an entire school system, or across an entire region of schools.

The point of this entire opening post is to acknowledge and spark discussion regarding teachers who are finally using ways to establish education as a true professional field. Serious teacher-researchers can come up with ideas that will influence changes in a school or a school system for a number of years. As more teachers try action research as a part of improving education, it will receive more credibility.

Source: Johnson, B. (1993). Teacher as researcher. Retrieved July 1, 2007 from


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1 comment:

T. Armer said...

As a public school teacher and doctoral candidate, I concur with you on the use of current research in our classrooms. With the birth of the internet, teachers now have access to research at the click of the mouse. I believe that all of these improvements and available access to the internet are greatly changing the face of education forever.

T. Armer