Wednesday, July 25, 2007

eSchoolNews making an educational impact

e School News

There are a variety of websites that exist that are designed to help teachers. However, one that stands out as a leader in making news come to life on a regional, national, and local level is eSchoolNews. This wonderful website discusses news that affects administrators, parents, students, teachers and superintendents.

The layout on the opening page is indicative of the informative nature of the website. The website setup is much like a newspaper and the information is up-to-date and readily accessible. For example, one of the featured topics that has yet to leave the memory of many educators is the National Education Computing Conference (NECC) 2007 that occurred in Atlanta at the Georgia World Congress Center. Educators were featured on the opening page who were interested in sharing their ideas. Go here to see one of my articles that I had the opportunity to write. Check out the main page of eSchoolNews.

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Techie Teacher
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