Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Research Process

Research strategies are good for everyone. Students and teachers alike can benefit from getting a good set of research procedures managed to complete a project. One of my goals is to finally complete my dissertation at Capella. Thus, I have always been on the search for good places to learn about how to finish the project. I am always looking for practical and honest advice.

Recently, I came across a website called Finish Your Dissertation in a Year or Less. At first I was skeptical, but saw that there were actual comments and quotes taken from other scholarly professionals. It was awesome to see that this was not just the opinion of one person. Good doctoral students and PhDs truly realize that their best work is likely a compilation of good information they have learned in the academic realm and are willing to share with others. There are some advertisements for books on the website, but a wealth of free advice and a sign-up for a free newsletter. Moreover, the website itself is full of pages of interesting anecdotes for doctoral students.

Check out the website for yourself. Although I learned about the website through scholarly web searching, you can leave comments about Finish Your Dissertation in a Year or Less
here on this blog.

Techie Teacher
All rights reserved 2007.


Unknown said...

Why did you choose Capella?

Techie Teacher said...

I love being in charge of when I can go into my classroom. I am not tied down to being there from 4:30-6:30 like I was when I was an undergraduate student. Also, they offered a three and half year program. To get a dissertation in that time is rare. I am writing my chapter now and I have been in the program for three years and three months. I am trying to stay on schedule...but am realizing my goal!