Monday, December 1, 2008

Promethean's Planet

I am an avid user of the ActivBoard made by Promethean. Well, I truly have been putting the technology on my wish list for years. I originally promoted other similar technologies, but when my school system decided to go all out with an ActivBoard that included a permanent projector attachment and a wireless slate, I was gladly in for the long haul.

I cannot think of a better way to teach. ActivBoards are interactive white boards that work with an interactive pen. I am able to put worksheets that my students are working on in my 6th grade math classroom on the Activboard and can ask students to show their work right there on the screen. If I am promoting measurement, then I can have a student pull out an interactive ruler on the screen and allow a lesson to be born. The toolstore, which is a part of the software only adds to the excitement that my students and I have felt since I have been using the board for nearly a month now. The toolstore has everything from backgrounds to pictures and manipulatives.

There is more. The Activboard comes with optional items called Activotes, which allow students to vote on a concept that they are learning about in the form of a quiz. For example, if I want to create an "ad hoc" or on the spot quiz, then I can have students in the class vote on a multiple choice quiz that I write up on the screen. I can also prepare quizzes in advance.

The students vote by clicking a button (A, B, C, D) on the Activote. After all students click a response, I have several options, including showing a class graph, which allows me and the students to get immediate feedback. I cannot speak enough about the Promethean technology and what it is doing for the education of my students.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Blogger for life (personal story)

I am sure that I found blogging rather than blogging finding me. I was born a blogger. Many of us who enjoyed Language Arts as children, or who wrote short stories for fun, had pen pals, owned a diary, wrote poetry, or who generally liked writing about something of interest, have a natural line of selection for blogging.

I was so encouraged when my university contacted me about the entire concept of blogging as a networking tool. I was already thinking of ways in which I could include blogging in teaching my math class in the upcoming school year. Yes, I wanted to add blogging as a concept of learning in math.

I thought, there has to be some updates on blogging in the First Class e-mail and networking system that my school system uses. Sure enough, there is a new feature in First Class 9.0 that allows a blog to be added to a First Class website. Now, I can blog when I am not teaching my students math.

After blogging for a couple of years, I continue to find more places to express my ideas openly because blogging continues to catch on everywhere. I look forward to sharing ideas with my university colleagues and with my teammates in my school system.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

2008 Tie Network Summer Institute

The TIE Network is an organization of teachers who use technology and encourage its use with their students. This summer we met in the Georgia region and discussed the latest technology. I have been a member for a little over a year now. I am a deemed Mimio and Camtasia expert.

As a doctoral candidate, I am constantly looking for ideas that not only help my students but also motivate and bridge the gaps in learning that occur when I teach. I am a firm believer that organizations like the TIE Network are the front runners in giving teachers an avenue of change. Teachers can join for free and all of the resources are free.

Check out some pictures from my recent Summer Institute with the TIE Network and if you are a teacher consider joining today. Also check out some of my blogs on the Georgia Public Broadcasting website. Join so you can get green on the brain like I did.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


There is nothing wrong with a good slideshow to help students learn more about any subject. In math, I am always glad to see how creative students can be making a simple Power point to review math concepts. Some of the student experts really get into the animation and display of their creativity which is a great plan.

Using lap tops is a new phenomenon in the school that I teach in (at least for the past two years). This year they are in high demand. If you are in a school that has lap tops, find a way to sign up for them monthly. It is a great way to help students review concepts in any subject when a plan for a technology related assignment is enforced.

Saturday, October 13, 2007


During the month of September 2007, I used a wonderful item called the Mimio. It is an interactive device that allows you to make any white board into an interactive white board. What does that mean? Well if you are familiar with an ActivBoard which is made by Promethean, then you will see the connection. I love all of these companies; however, Mimio has won with ease of use and and mobility. It does the same as the others but with less worry. The biggest advantage with a Mimio is that it can work without wires (with the exception of its plug in the wall). I love what Mimio is doing for my classroom.

Are you going to the 2008 NECC? Look for me there!
Techie Teacher

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

eSchoolNews making an educational impact

e School News

There are a variety of websites that exist that are designed to help teachers. However, one that stands out as a leader in making news come to life on a regional, national, and local level is eSchoolNews. This wonderful website discusses news that affects administrators, parents, students, teachers and superintendents.

The layout on the opening page is indicative of the informative nature of the website. The website setup is much like a newspaper and the information is up-to-date and readily accessible. For example, one of the featured topics that has yet to leave the memory of many educators is the National Education Computing Conference (NECC) 2007 that occurred in Atlanta at the Georgia World Congress Center. Educators were featured on the opening page who were interested in sharing their ideas. Go here to see one of my articles that I had the opportunity to write. Check out the main page of eSchoolNews.

Check out my other blog
Techie Teacher
All rights reserved.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Research Process

Research strategies are good for everyone. Students and teachers alike can benefit from getting a good set of research procedures managed to complete a project. One of my goals is to finally complete my dissertation at Capella. Thus, I have always been on the search for good places to learn about how to finish the project. I am always looking for practical and honest advice.

Recently, I came across a website called Finish Your Dissertation in a Year or Less. At first I was skeptical, but saw that there were actual comments and quotes taken from other scholarly professionals. It was awesome to see that this was not just the opinion of one person. Good doctoral students and PhDs truly realize that their best work is likely a compilation of good information they have learned in the academic realm and are willing to share with others. There are some advertisements for books on the website, but a wealth of free advice and a sign-up for a free newsletter. Moreover, the website itself is full of pages of interesting anecdotes for doctoral students.

Check out the website for yourself. Although I learned about the website through scholarly web searching, you can leave comments about Finish Your Dissertation in a Year or Less
here on this blog.

Techie Teacher
All rights reserved 2007.